拿到作曲家的手稿後那種感覺是很難言喻, 所以我希望可以捕捉到最直接的畫面,而這也變成我親手作邀請卡的
另一本則是洛杉磯作曲家George N. Gianopoulos親搞原譜, 三首詼諧曲也即將於五月音樂會首演 。
背景的圖畫是喜愛的墨裔美國畫家Georgia o'keeffe喬治亞歐姬芙著名的花卉作品,20歲無意間在書
Just received two valueable scores of contemporary music. One is Samuel Barber's Canzonetta, the other one is George N. Gianopoulos's latest work, Three Scherzo for oboe. Canzonetta was premired in New York Philhamronic in 1981. In 1995, it was performed and recored by Mastero Humbert Lucarelli. Three Scherzo will world premired in recital "The Art of the Oboe"on May 8.
Piantings hang on the wall are made by Mexcian-American artist, Georgia o'keeffe. When I read her bio and artwork at age20, I start to love her painiting especailly she made different kinds of flowers with clear shape and distinquished color. it is very simle image but has been very notable and popular among her all artworks.